Silke was a former high-level circus artist and contortionist trapezist. She had a work-related accident, after which she embarked in handisport. She engages in both para-cycling and para-triathlon. Her favorite sport is handi-bike (para-cycling), a discipline in which she would like to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, which have been postponed to 2021. Bringing hope and optimism, she regularly gives conferences to make the larger public aware of the practice of sport by people with disabilities as well as on the topic of personal development. She can rely on the numerous fans and the support of the “Association Tout est Possible” to pursue her career and objectives. Sports is a school of life for this newcomer in the team in 2020. Silke is also the author of the book “A la conquête de nouveaux sommets” (éditions Favre) and her adventures are related in various documentaries.

Silke Pan